*Always read the label and follow the directions for use

Did you know you could get the cost of your hearing aids covered?

The Hearing Services Program gives Aussies the chance to have the cost of their hearing aids partially or fully covered if they meet the appropriate eligibility criteria.

If you’re 21 or older and hold a Pensioners Concession Card, DVA Gold Card, receive Sickness Allowance from Centrelink, or are part of the NDIS, you could be eligible for free hearing aids.

To find out your options and see if your eligible fill out our short form and book an appointment with a specialist in your area.*

Partially subsidised hearing aids offer extra features e.g. wireless connectivity. For partially subsidised hearing aids, only the difference between the fully and partially subsidised hearing aid needs to be covered.

*Conditions apply under the Australian Government Hearing Services Program

Technology to change your life

The most common causes of hearing loss are age and prolonged background noise. Over the course of our lifetimes, the fine hairs inside the ear gradually die off or are damaged by sound waves, becoming less sensitive.

If you’ve worked in a loud environment such as a factory (or you’re a fan of heavy rock music) there’s a high likelihood your hearing may have been affected. For all of us, hearing loss is a natural part of the ageing process, but luckily there are some highly effective ways to counter it.

On average, roughly one in seven people in Australia suffer from hearing loss. Statistics estimate that 3.6 million people in Australia, or 14.5% of the population, suffer from hearing loss1.

No longer the chunky pieces of plastic your grandparents might have worn, hearing aids are now as sleek and well-designed as any other modern gadget.

“…revolutionary advances in technology mean hearing aids are now more discreet than ever.”

Many over-50s in Australia could significantly improve their lives with a hearing aid

If you are affected by the stress and frustration of hearing loss, it’s now completely free to book a hearing test to check what can be done.

Even so, prices for hearing aids vary, so it pays to shop around.