The days of premature hearing loss are finally coming to an end.

With recent leaps in technology, hearing aids are becoming more discreet and affordable than ever.

Many don’t even realise that hearing loss is affecting them. Did you know that he World Health Organisation estimates that around one third of the population aged 65 years or older worldwide have disabling hearing loss.

Our partners offer free hearing tests for Irish residents!

Simply complete our short form to find out if you’re eligible

To top that, people may also be eligible for a government grant of up to €500 for a single hearing aid, or up to €1000 for a pair of hearing aids.

Research shows that those who own a hearing aid are more likely to:

  1. Feel less lonely or isolated.
  2. Reduce their risk of developing dementia.
  3. Show an improved ability to communicate and socialise.
  4. Experience good mental health.

How much could you save?

The hearing aids of your parents’ generation are thankfully a thing of the past.

Gone are the days of unsightly behind-the-ear models that do little to boost self-confidence. Today, devices are a fraction of the size they once were and fit seamlessly into the ear.

And best of all, you could be back to having a good chinwag with friends for the price of your average holiday abroad, with prices starting from €1000 and more premium sets generally €3000 or higher.1

Certain individuals may also be eligible for a government grant of up to €500 for a single hearing aid, or up to €1000 for a pair of hearing aids2.