Communicate With Ease

Among older adults, hearing loss ranks as the second most prevalent concern, giving rise to social and health challenges. If you’re facing hearing loss, there’s no need to be embarrassed – over 1 billion people around the world are in the same boat! 

A staggering 90% of hearing loss can be effectively addressed with hearing aids

Despite being a natural part of ageing, hearing loss often slips under the radar for many Canadians aged 40-79. 

What Causes Hearing Loss?

While noise is the primary cause of hearing loss, chemical exposure, ear trauma, genetics and even poor nutrition also have an impact.  This means your workplace, living conditions, and everyday activities may be causing harm without you knowing.

An astonishing 65% of men and 45% of women don’t realize they need hearing aids.*

Modern Hearing Solutions

Introducing Connect Hearing: Canada’s #1 physician referred hearing healthcare provider. 

With these advanced hearing aids, your usage remains completely discreet – allowing you to put your body first while remaining confident day to day. 

And more importantly, hearing aids help you participate in social and work events with ease

Usage remains completely discreet, allowing you to participate in social events with ease.

Avoid the annoyance of constantly changing batteries.  Charge these hearing aids once a day and they’ll be ready to use in record time, lasting a full 24hrs.

Live life to the fullest with 2024 Hearing Aids.  Modern benefits include:

  • Rechargeable hearing aids
  • Digital networking
  • Titanium hearing aids
  • Invisible hearing aids
  • Wearables and hearables

Canada’s #1 physician referred hearing healthcare provider.

Ready to change your life?  Claim your free hearing test now!

Here’s How You Do It:

  1. Click your location on the map below to get your FREE quote.
  2. Once you answer a few simple questions, we’ll put you in touch with a leading hearing aid specialist in your area.